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Hi there!
I’d like to welcome you to the December edition of the Design Thinking Briefs. We put together the top articles on design thinking and send them to you.
The product design sprint: a 5-day recipe for startups
Not quite from this month — but a great piece about how Google Ventures has adapted the design thinking process for their own use. It includes some surprising conclusions, including why they think brainstorming doesn’t work. You can also see the video version of this here.
Seven design thinking principles for rethinking social sector needs assessment
Kal Joffres reflects on what’s broken with one of the key tools the social sector uses to assess technology needs and how seven principles inspired by design thinking can help rethink the way we do needs assessments.
Relationship by Design
As suggested by the author Ayla Newhouse, we should use design thinking to examine and create the relationships that we want. For most of us, relationship is a wicked problem!
9 Ways to Get the Most out of Design Thinking
The CEO of Lippincott, Rick Wise, explains in the Fast Company article, how design thinking helps them to become the creative force behind the ubiquitous red-and-white Coca Cola swirl.
Why Creativity is like Karaoke
Tom and David Kelley believe we could learn to build creative culture, just like how we “karaoke,” and that the key to unlocking creativity in everyone is building creative confidence.
It’s Time to Bring Design Thinking Down From On High
If you are a leader, what are the 3 small steps, with potentially big impact, that can bring design thinking down from on high in your organisation?
Ever heard of creative listening? Check this out
“I’m convinced that creative breakthroughs and innovative solutions require creative listening.” – Tim Brown
All the best,
Yong Yee Chong
Social Innovation Lab @ Tandemic
The Social Business Model Canvas
You have heard a lot about the business model canvas. What you need for your social enterprise is probably the “social” business model canvas. Use the tool to collaborate with your stakeholders, communicate different business models and brainstorm for new opportunities. Download the canvas for free here.